24 SLT May

May ’24 SLT Meeting Minutes

**Meeting was hybrid. Conducted through video conferencing as well as in person attendees**

Called to order

Roll Call

  • Suzanne Gordon-principal – in person
  • Suzanne Gatto -assistant principal – in person
  • Luci Hartman-assistant principal – in person
  • Rosaria Pecoraro-assistant principal – remote
  • Jaclyn Collins-Zera-teacher – in person
  • Mary Valeri-teacher – in person
  • Jessica Kosta-parent coordinator – in person
  • Lynn Babcock-parent – remote
  • Nicole Kwan-parent – in person
  • Nell Mellon-parent/ PTA president – remote
  • Heidi Chavac - -parent / PTA treasurer – remote
  • Derly Rivera – parent – in person
  • Caroline Lynch – in person

Reviewed and approved April’s meeting minutes

  • We continued our work on trends and root causes on the CEP goals in breakout rooms.
  • ELA and Math:  JHS scores were performing at a lower % in their typical and stretch growth. 
  • K-5 moved at a steady pace.
  • Root causes:
    • JHS students are apathetic
    • Foundational and morphological skills are lacking
    • Pacing of benchmark assessments (given after a long break, etc.)
    • Grade 7 has the largest population of SWD and ML’s
  • Incidental Occasion Summary:
    • Incidents higher during lunch periods
    • Tend to be more physical
    • Grades 7 & 8 had an increased number of occurrences


  • Root Causes:
    • Kids are hungry but not eating/drinking at lunch because they do not like the food choices.
    • Hoping school store will help give kids snack choices
    • Hungry in the afternoon
    • They like pretzels and ice pops and tend to be happier after lunch on those days.
    • Hoping with warmer weather recess outside will improve behavior
    • Staggering 7 th and 8 th grade lunch/recess to help improve behavior
    • Hallway passing is the 2 nd highest cause of incidences


  • Attendance:

 Lowest attendance grades K and 8

  • K attendance: root cause- tend to get sick more often until build immunity
  • Grade 8: root cause- they don’t have motivation to come to school
  • Grades 6-8: come up with an incentive to come to school
  • Inclusive and Responsive Parents:
    • 6% decrease in Parent Involvement in grades 6-8 from LES
    • In grades 6-8: 70% of parents report they did not communicate with their child’s teachers.
    • In grades 6-8: 100+ parents report not attending school meetings, events & PTC’s.
    • Asking for in-person meetings to parents that do not attend.
  • Set agenda for next meeting, :
    • Discuss budget report: what we receive and how it is allocated
    • How can the PTA can support our budget for next school year.
    • Superintendent Pretto will be discussing Common Core items for the next school year at CDC meetings: all grades K-8 will be utilizing curriculum in all subject areas:
    • Math: using Envisions- started a few years ago; our data backs up the success of the program. Last year- there was an increase in our math state scores due to PD with this program.
    • ELA: NYC Reads Initiative.  The programs we use: Grades K-5 - HMH Into Reading Grades 6-8 HMH Into Literature
    • Science: Amplify Science  Grades K-8
    • SS: Passport implemented already in grades 2, 4, 7 & 8.  All grades will take part in the curriculum next year. 
    • These programs align with the literacy shifts.  Grades 6-8 need 2-4 hours a day to gain proficiency in informational text.  Both the Science and SS programs have reading pieces that the teachers will use.  We are building in more time on task in reading.
  • Questions/Concerns
  • Scheduled next SLT for June 5th, 2024, at 3:00 pm