24 SLT Jun

June ’24 SLT Meeting Minutes

**Meeting was hybrid. Conducted through video conferencing as well as in person attendees**

Called to order

Roll Call

o Suzanne Gordon-principal – in person

o Suzanne Gatto -assistant principal – in person

o Jaclyn Collins-Zera-teacher – in person

o Mary Valeri-teacher – in person

o Jessica Kosta-parent coordinator – in person

o Nell Mellon-parent/ PTA president – in person

o Lynn Babcock-parent – remote

o Nicole Kwan-parent – remote

o Heidi Chavac - -parent / PTA treasurer – remote

o Derly Rivera – parent – in person

Reviewed and approved May’s meeting minutes

· Reminder to all to complete the SLT Remuneration form

· Reviewed school budget at a glance

o Each student carries weight, usually $8- $10k per student

o School budget mostly goes towards teachers salaries

o After salaries, need to use $ for substitute teachers

· Discussed Fair student funding

o Federal stimulus

o Federal title 1

o Temporary housing

· School will be awarded Title 1 status next year

o Hoping to expand instrument and language programs for all students

· Thanked SLT members not returning to the school next year

· Closed final SLT meeting for the 2023-24 school year

· As an FYI, final PTA general board meeting for the school year is set for Thursday, 6/13/24 @ 6:30p